We are actively exploring and looking for more options relating to:.
While it will not be available in this initial test, Attackers being able to repick their operator in the Prep Phase (coming later in Year 6) will encourage players to more thoroughly scout the objective and Defenders' setups to collect info, putting their drones at risk.
The introduction of the GONNE-6 helps a wider range of operators deal with these.
The bulletproof glass of the Maestro’ Evil Eye can be shattered with a melee to deny vision when it is closed (same of the Bulletproof Camera and more on these below).
Yokai drones no longer have cloaking, limiting the potential source of frustration of dealing with invisible after-death drones.
A number of changes released before and during this season will also help player experience in this new context:.
Some additional topics to consider about Gameplay After Death:
Note for Maestro: Teammates will be able to rotate the turret like any other observation tool, although Maestro will maintain priority over other Defenders.
Echo, Maestro and Mozzie can control and use their abilities after death.
It only reflects Defenders' actions and doesn't take into account special drones - only regular ones.
This counter is not meant to reveal extra intel to Defenders.
This is intended to incentivize Defenders to be aware of the importance of destroying drones, especially in a context where dead players can still drone them out.
The Drone Counter is displayed exclusively to Defenders to help them track the number of regular drones their team has destroyed or captured.
Unlike operators' abilities, there is no notion of ownership.
The first player in the camera can use the ability to shoot.
The camera can shoot an EMP burst to disable Attackers' electronic gadgets and drones for 8 seconds.
Specifically for Defenders, we have added new tools to help counter the threat of Attacker drones: